
Governance Arrangements 2024-2025

Following reviews in 2020 and 2021, the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership has implemented a new model for local school oversight. Defined academy representative roles known as Advocates (formerly known as governor’s) collaborate with school leaders and Trustees to enhance the strategic priorities of individual schools and the Trust as a whole. 

The structure reflects the Trust and its school’s single shared vision, a single Board of trustees and a single scheme of delegation. The governance structure is designed to reflect the overall legal responsibility of the Trust Board, and the direct link between individual school representation to both individual school and trustees. 

For more information, including Greysbrooke’s Advocates, please click here  

Greysbrooke School’s Advocates

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Andrew Nolan

Community Advocate

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Lucy Turner

Support and Challenge Advocate

Natasha Jordan

Safeguarding Advocate

Elizabeth Little

Vulnerable Advocate

ATLP Governance Information

Governor Information 2021-22

Meeting Attendance 2021-22

Full NameRoleDate AppointedMeetings Eligible to attendNumber of meetings attended
Ellie BallingerHead TeacherJanuary 202044
Clare GlandfieldStaff GovernorJune 201844
Joanne SwintonChair of GovernorsNovember 202144
Emily JohnstonCo-opted GovernorMay 201944
Hayley MorrisSafeguarding GovernorNovember 202143
Richard StorerAssociate GovernorJune 201844
Marisa HibberdAssociate GovernorFebruary 202044
Richard Worth
LA GovernorDecember 201911
Andy SkidmoreParent GovernorMarch 201921

Governors who have left over the past 12 months

Full NameRoleDate AppointedDate Resigned
Andy SkidmoreParent GovernorMarch 2019February 2022
Pete HedgesFoundation GovernorOct 2017October 2021
Richard WorthLA GovernorDecember 2019December 2021
Lynda JoesCo-opted GovernorOctober 2017May 2021
Liz ChamberlainCo-opted GovernorJune 2019February 2021
Kate SheehanCo-opted GovernorJan 2018May 2021